How to Dispose of Rubbish Without Harming the Environment

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: September 19, 2022

Did you know that more than 2.01 BILLION tonnes of municipal solid waste are created around the world every year? And sadly, that figure is only set to rise.

For this reason, waste has become a significant issue that international governments are trying to solve on a macro level.

While we may be decades away from a zero-waste future, there are at least some things you can do on an individual level to help.

In this article, we will outline four ways how to dispose of rubbish without harming the environment.

Follow these steps during your daily life, especially when getting rid of clutter, and you will at least be doing your bit to reduce your carbon footprint.


The easiest and most obvious starting point should be recycling.

Up to 75% of all waste is recyclable. Whilst most people these days make use of the recycling bins given to them by the council, they are not doing this properly.

This is because most people have no idea about what items should be recycled and how best to do so.

For instance, you should never mix hazardous waste like bulbs, tires, paints, and paint cans with general waste.

Instead, for the most effective disposal of rubbish without harming the environment, plastic, paper, metal, glass, batteries, electronics, light bulbs, and compost require separate containers.

If you can sort your waste into individual containers like this, you will be making a difference.


It has been estimated that food waste makes up around 30% of everything we throw away.

However, as it can be turned into an excellent source of fuel for the plants in your garden, Composting is another straightforward thing we can do that has huge environmental benefits.

To start composting in any garden, large or small, fill a small container with food waste such as fruit, vegetable peelings, teabags, grass cuttings, and plant pruning.

All of these tend to break down quickly and provide an important source of moisture and nitrogen when applied to your plants in the garden.

It is also a good idea to add the likes of fallen leaves, scrunched-up paper, and cardboard egg boxes to the compost container, too – preferably at the bottom of it – which will help to aerate it.

Keep adding these types of materials until you fill the container, at which point you should then leave it for a week or so once you’ve given it time to settle, shred, and mix it as much as possible with a pitchfork. The smaller the scraps you can create, the quicker the decomposition time when you eventually plant it.

If you don’t live in a place that has a garden or even just a suitable plant you can use, don’t let this stop you from composting.

You can always donate it to a public garden, which will not just help it but also minimize your carbon footprint.


Instead of blindly throwing everything you use away, simply reusing what you already have and finding another use for it is an absolute no-brainer.

In this sense, the world is your oyster. Simple things like buying one cloth bag or a water bottle, and using it for life, can significantly reduce how much plastic you use.

Likewise, using old jars or takeaway containers to store leftover food or to take for a picnic or your work lunch is a good idea, as is reusing old clothes as cleaning rags.

You’ve heard the old saying, ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Well, it is appropriate in this context as others can often reuse things.

You can give clothes to charity, and donate workable computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices to charitable organizations or community centers.

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion

Another way of disposing of rubbish without harming the environment is via the process of anaerobic digestion.

This biogas production process sees bacteria break down various types of organic matter, including wastewater biosolids, food waste, and animal manure, without the presence of oxygen.

A reactor, a sealed vessel containing complex microbial communities, processes the waste and generates biogas and digestate, used in bioproduct feedstock and horticulture products.

For bioproduct feedstock, this typically means heat, electricity, renewable natural gas, and vehicle fuel. While horticulture products refer to organic fertilizer, animal bedding, building material, and crop irrigation.

Reduce the amount of waste you bring into your home

As well as ensuring you get rid of waste in an environmentally friendly way, you should also be mindful of reducing the amount of waste you bring into your home in the first place.

To do this effectively, you may need to change your habits while shopping. For instance, as previously mentioned, using a cloth bag instead of a plastic bag will significantly minimize the amount of waste you bring into your home.

Food from farmer’s markets usually avoids packaging in plastic-wrapped boxes. So, if you can buy your fruit and vegetables from there, you will be further reducing your carbon footprint.

Another thing you may consider doing is making your detergents and cleaners because many of the containers used for these products are not recyclable.

You can easily find out how to make homemade shampoos, hand soaps, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, laundry detergents, and glass cleaners on YouTube. Doing so would be a good starting point for making your home a chemical-free environment.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, while governments work on a macro level, we should all be doing our best to safeguard the environment.

After all, it is in our best interests, not just for us, but also for our future generations.

As outlined above, there are several things you can do on an individual level to make a small difference. You can also seek professional help for your rubbish removal with 1300 rubbish.

If you do your bit and encourage others to do the same, then it will go some way to creating a healthier and more sustainable environment we can all enjoy.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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