4 Ways To Make Cleaning Your House Easier

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: December 10, 2021

Make Cleaning Your House Easier

We all know that cleaning can be a pain. You have to find the time, get your supplies together, and then actually clean for hours on end. The good news is that there are many ways to make this task easier! Here are 4 of them.

  1. Make Sure You Have The Right Tools

Having the right tools will make your job easier and faster. For example, a dustpan and broom instead of using a cloth to clean up dirt and dust. A mop and bucket instead of using a rag to clean up spills. A vacuum cleaner instead of trying to sweep things up with a broom. Have a foam tank sprayer to apply the cleaner with, instead of a spray bottle to avoid streaks. These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. Having the right tools will make your cleaning job easier and faster, which means less time spent cleaning and more time to enjoy your clean house.

  1. Clean In Sections

Start by cleaning the rooms that you use the most, such as your living room and kitchen. These areas typically will get the dirtiest and usually have a lot of foot traffic. Once these rooms are clean, it is much easier to motivate yourself to keep up with cleaning your entire house. It can be easy just to wait until you have time or motivation to deep clean your whole house at once, but this doesn’t always work out as planned! Instead, try breaking up each room into smaller sections and cleaning each of them one section at a time.

This way, you will have more momentum and motivation to keep going because it won’t be such a large task. You don’t want to waste your time worrying about every inch of space in your house. Instead, think about which rooms are most commonly used or get dirty easily and focus on those for now. Once these rooms are clean, then move on to another room until all the rooms in your home are sparkling! Another good tip is just to follow wherever it seems like dirt might accumulate next (such as with children).

It can sometimes feel like when we’re busy doing other things around our homes it’s okay to not clean up after ourselves. However, small details like wiping down the sink or cleaning off your coffee table can make a big difference in how you feel about what you’re doing and motivate you to keep going. Having fewer things that need cleaning is easier than tackling many messes at once- it’s way too overwhelming. Instead, try keeping on top of daily chores so they don’t pile up into months worth of work later on. There are lots of different ways to accomplish this, but one simple thing could be just making sure everyone puts their dishes away right after use (or even before). This will prevent them from sitting around dirty overnight or for days on end.

  1. Use Shortcuts When Possible

Using shortcuts can help you complete your cleaning tasks faster. For example, buying a reusable microfiber cloth instead of paper towels is an easy way to cut back on waste and save money at the same time! You could also use plastic storage bins to store items that are used infrequently or buy extra supplies when they go on sale so you have them on hand when you need them. Finally, try to group similar tasks so you can complete them more quickly.

Cleaning as you go can help keep your areas clean and neat instead of having to do an entire cleaning session later on because things got out of hand. For example, if kids are playing with their toys in the living room, just pick them up and put them away as you go. If you have dishes in the sink, just quickly rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. This way, when it comes time to do a more thorough cleaning job, there won’t be as much to do because you’ve been gradually cleaning as you go.

  1. Do It Gradually Over Time

Establishing a regular cleaning schedule simplifies housekeeping by providing clarity on when specific tasks should be performed. For instance, vacuum every other day, sweep and mop weekly, and dust surfaces every few days. This organized approach not only streamlines daily chores but also prevents the buildup of dirt and dust.

To efficiently clean before hosting friends, break tasks into smaller chunks, like tackling the kitchen or bedroom first. Setting specific cleaning goals for each day of the week makes the process more manageable, providing a sense of accomplishment.

Monday could be all about dusting and sweeping, Tuesday could be focused on bathrooms, Wednesday could be dedicated to taking care of the living room, Thursday could involve tackling the kitchen, and Friday could be reserved for laundry and other general tasks. Having a plan will help make the process less overwhelming and more manageable. There are plenty of online resources that can provide you with helpful tips for creating a cleaning schedule that works best for your home. Alternatively, you can also create your customized schedule by incorporating the tasks that work best for you and your family. Just make sure to stick to the schedule as closely as possible so that cleaning becomes a regular habit, rather than an occasional chore that is often put off.

So there you have it! Four ways to make cleaning your house easier. Hopefully, one or more of these tips will help you get your cleaning done faster and with less effort. Happy cleaning!

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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