12+ Awesome Ground Cover Plants

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: November 23, 2021

Ground cover plants are low-growing plants that may be used to cover a variety of various areas in the yard or garden. They help keep weeds under control, stabilize slopes, and offer beauty and texture to your landscape.

Furthermore, unlike lawns, flowering ground cover plants do not need regular mowing. On the other hand, many groundcovers die back and lie dormant throughout the winter months in colder locations. This leaves the land naked and exposed, exposing it to the possibility of plant infestations as well as soil erosion. If you want to offer year-round protection for a specific garden area, evergreen groundcover species are the best choice. As well, many opt for the installation of deer fences as a way to protect growth from raving wildlife. There is a lot to be gained from these lovely, hardworking plants.

Uses in the Landscape

People often choose the best ground cover plants for their aesthetic appeal, like adding fresh colors or textures to a landscape design. Alternatively, they use them for practical purposes, such as covering areas where turf grass struggles or canā€™t grow due to weather conditions. For instance, a substantially shaded yard might be perfect for shade-tolerant ground cover plants like ajuga or pachysandra, depending on the climate. Steep slopes, hard to mow, can also be great for ground cover that provides privacy. In dry areas, where grassā€™s high water needs are problematic, an alternative ground cover can eliminate the need for hay.

Although the initial cost of covering large expanses of ground in the landscape will be significantly higher than the cost of sowing grass seed, ground-cover plants may save you money in the long run because they eliminate expenses such as extensive feeding, watering, lawnmower fuel, and lawnmower repair and maintenance.

There are several benefits to using ground coverings.

Lawns provide an essential function in the landscape. When paired with flower beds and other landscape components, they offer a soothing contrast. Properties are also often required for outside activities, and they are essential if you have children.

The grass does not have to be planted in every square foot of area that is not already taken up by shrub plantings or flower beds. Besides creating a monotonous environment, grass areas need a lot of upkeep since they must be cut every five to seven days from April to November, depending on the size of the lawn.

Instead, try planting some ground coverings in strategic locations. They will enhance the beauty and appeal of the home landscaping while also reducing the amount of upkeep required. Ideally, planting should take place in the spring when the temperature is still chilly. Ground coverings will be better established before the hot weather comes if planted earlier in the season.

Ground cover is a word that refers to low-growing plants other than turfgrasses that are utilized to cover large portions of the landscape with their foliage. The most often seen plants are perennial, evergreen plants with a sprawling or spreading nature. Flowering ground cover plants are typically one foot or less; however, higher-growing plants may be employed in some landscaping circumstances where they would be more suited.

Ground coverings have a variety of practical uses in addition to the aesthetic value they bring. Some ground coverings are particularly good at preventing erosion. Ground coverings decrease landscape upkeep since they do not need mowing. They are particularly beneficial in tough-to-mow situations such as steep slopes, beneath low-branched trees and shrubs, where the roots of giant trees protrude, and in limited spaces where mowing is difficult. As a bonus, they are an excellent option for areas beneath trees that have grown too shaded for grass to thrive.

Awesome Ground Cover Plants

Awesome Ground Cover Plants

When selecting ground cover plants, you must carefully evaluate the features you want them to have ā€“ height, texture, and color ā€“ as well as the growth circumstances in which they will be placed, such as sunny or shaded, dry or damp, before making your decision.

Whatever ground cover plants you pick, making sure the planting space is prepared correctly will aid in establishing the plant and the speed of its development. First, manually remove any undesired vegetation from the area, such as lawn grass or weeds, or use a herbicide such as glyphosate to kill the plants. After that, turn the dirt over to loosen it. To prevent damage to the roots of trees while working beneath them, use a rotating fork and avoid chopping or cutting roots bigger than one inch in diameter if feasible.

As soon as the soil has been broken up, distribute 2 inches of organic matter over the top and mix it in. This may be compost, peat moss, or rotting manure. This is also the time to add 2 or 3 inches of more blended soil mix, which is often referred to as topsoil or garden soil if it is required. Finally, apply a general-purpose fertilizer to the whole area and firmly mix everything with your hands.

Planting the best ground cover plants now allows you to take advantage of the chilly, moist weather we have been experiencing this spring, which is ideal for promoting effective establishment. Fertilize with a general-purpose fertilizer in May and again in July, following the advice on the package, to encourage rapid plant development. Gardeners who have established patches of ground cover may fertilize them twice a year, in March and June.

Ground cover plants may help you save time and money by reducing upkeep, beautifying problem areas, and adding a whole new dimension to your environment. Consider incorporating them into your landscaping design.

Best evergreen plants for gardens as ground cover

  • Chamaedrys


Summer brings purple-pink flower spires on this low-growing shrubby perennial. If you want to use it as a bed edge and a drought-resistant hedge, it may be aggressively trimmed to make a mini-hedge. A 1-2-foot-tall wall germanderā€™s winter hardiness ranges from 20 degrees Fahrenheit to a balmy 0 degrees. Also, since itā€™s unappealing to deer, this evergreen ground cover is underutilized.

  • Opuntia


These are evergreen groundcovers made from hardy cold-hardy cactus species. The summertime flowers are open and blousy and come in various colors according to the kind and species. The spines are painful and difficult to remove, so keep them away from people. Opuntias, on the other hand, may be a true jewel if you know where to put ground cover plants shade. Some types may withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit, although most only grow to a height of less than afoot. If youā€™re looking for a challenging type of prickly pear, go no farther than O. basilaris, sometimes known as the beavertail cactus.

  • Thyme in bloom

Thyme in bloom

A variety of thyme species and cultivars produce a hardy groundcover that remains green throughout the winter. Flowering thyme merits a home in almost every garden since most varieties can withstand temperatures as low as -20 or -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Thyme may grow anywhere from 1 to 3 inches tall, depending on the type, and the flavorful leaves of culinary kinds can be used in cooking. Also, deer donā€™t like flowering thyme.

  • Lilyturf


When used beneath big trees with deep root systems, this clump-forming evergreen ground cover is appropriate for sloping areas as well as garden beds. Even while solid green-leafed varieties are lovely, thereā€™s something extraordinary about variegated ones. Purple flowering spires appear in spring on the lilyturf, which is hardy to -30 degrees Fahrenheit and grows to approximately 6 inches in height. Itā€™s rugged and spreads quickly, making it an excellent ground cover plant shade for any season. Spring is the time to remove any dead foliage to encourage new growth.

  • Iberis sempervirens

Iberis sempervirens

Candytuft, formerly a beloved landscape plant, has gone out of favor recently for no apparent reason. Pollinators love it, and it can withstand temperatures as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit if not more. After all, itā€™s an evergreen ground cover. Candytuft only needs well-drained soils and full sun exposure. You can achieve this by shearing the plant back after blooming, though itā€™s not strictly necessary.

  • Ajuga reptans

Ajuga reptans

Bugleweed comes in a plethora of distinct types of ground cover plants. These plants come in a variety of colors, with the most common being green. Crinkled-leaf bugleweed varieties are available, too. It is hardy to -40 degrees Fahrenheit, and bugleweed creeps everywhere, eventually forming a dense mat.

  • Mini mondo grass

Mini mondo grass

The tiniest of the tiniest is this groundcover plant. The green tufts of micro mondo grass appear stunning in gardens, despite its sensitivity to temperatures as low as -10 degrees F. With a maximum height of just 4 inches, it quickly provides shade in places exposed to direct sunlight. Instead of using shredded bark, gravel, or other mulches, this excellent evergreen groundcover is delightful to put between stepping stones and around the base of trees.

  • Black mondo grass.

Black mondo grass.

Black mondo grass is a striking evergreen ground cover plant known for its unique non-green foliage, ranging from golden to black. It thrives in cold temperatures, down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit, and adds a captivating contrast to other garden plants. In summer, it produces dark purple flower spikes and occasionally yields blackberries.

  • The rock cotoneaster

The rock cotoneaster

With its delicate sprays of green leaves, Rock Cotoneaster stands as one of the most attractive evergreen ground cover plants. Stems bear spring flowers and autumn berries; rock cotoneaster grows 2-3 feet, ideal for sloping gardens. This shrub ground cover may withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it will remain semi-evergreen in icy conditions.

  • The juniper creeps

The juniper creeps

This low-growing needled evergreen shrub often serves as groundcover because of the wide variety of available cultivars. Deer and rabbit-resistant, creeping juniper cultivars grow to a height of around 18 inches and need little upkeep. Upon establishment, each plant may extend several feet wide and bear blueberriesā€ (seed cones).

  • Bearberry


Bearberry is a stunning evergreen ground cover with glossy dark green foliage and clusters of dark red berries. This evergreen groundcover, which can withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit, spreads by low, arching branches. The berries attract wildlife and grow to a height of just 6 to 12 inches. Bearberry excels in erosion control in northern zones; not advised for warmer, southern gardens.

  • Cypress from Siberia

Cypress from Siberia

Siberian cypress, a shrubby evergreen ground cover with arborvitae-like needles, thrives in full sun in shady places. A beautiful bronze-orange color replaces the green of the hands in the spring and summer. These plants can withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit, making them excellent slope covers for gloomy garden locations. When it comes to height, mine is about 18 inches.

  • Ginger native to Europe

Ginger native to Europe

European ginger is one of the most stunning evergreen ground cover plants. This low-growing plant produces ground cover with its richly pigmented, glossy, heart-shaped, rounded leaves. The mentioned plants grow slowly but are still worth having in your garden. European ginger reaches a height of 6 inches and withstands temperatures down to -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Its flowers may be unremarkable, but its tough leaves resist deer. Avoid growing European ginger in hot southern climates, as it struggles even in partial shade.

  • Christmas Ferns

Christmas Ferns

Christmas ferns thrive as ground cover in thickets, withstanding -40Ā°F and reaching 2 feet. These ferns thrive in full sun, are deer-resistant, and can withstand drought. In winter, their evergreen fronds, dusted with snow, add a delightful touch of seasonal beauty to grey areas.

In a nutshell,

For any landscape style, an evergreen ground cover plant variety will fit the needs. Itā€™s my goal that youā€™ll incorporate at least one of these in your garden.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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