Important Things To Consider When Choosing A Generator For Your Home

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: December 15, 2021

There are many things to consider when choosing a generator. In this article, some important points to think about before making a purchase will be covered. The type of generator is also something that should be considered – natural gas, propane, diesel.

Keep reading for more information on how to choose the perfect one!

Types of Generators

There are three main types of generators- natural gas, propane, and diesel. Natural gas generators run on methane gas that is piped in from your home. Propane generators run on propane tanks that you must refill. Diesel generators run on diesel fuel that you must purchase and store.

Each type of generator has its own set of pros and cons:

Natural Gas Generators

Are the most popular type of generator because they are the cheapest to operate. They also have a longer lifespan than propane or diesel generators. However, natural gas generators can only be used in areas that have access to natural gas pipelines.

Propane Generators

Are the most portable type of generator. They are also the most expensive to operate. However, propane generators do not require an electrical outlet to run, making them a good choice for camping or emergencies.

Diesel Generators

Are the most powerful type of generator. They are also the most expensive to purchase and operate. However, diesel generators have a longer lifespan than natural gas or propane generators.

Whatever type you prefer or need, there are factors to consider. How powerful it is, its portability, the type of fuel it runs on, and the start-up costs – are all things to consider before purchasing a generator. Finding what is the quietest generator on the market is also something worth considering since generators have the nasty habit of being very loud. Getting a generator doesn’t mean incriminating your peace and quiet.

Size of Generator

Another important factor to consider when choosing a generator is the size of the generator. You need to choose a generator that is big enough to power your entire home, but not too big or expensive for your needs. Here are some guidelines to help you decide:

  • If you have a central air conditioner, you will need a generator that is at least 5,000 watts.
  • If you have a good pump, you will need a generator that is at least 7,500 watts.
  • If you have a large refrigerator, you will need a generator that is at least 1,000 watts.

The most important factor to consider when choosing the size of your generator is the wattage rating. This number tells you how much power the generator can produce. You should choose a generator with a wattage rating that is higher than the total wattage of the items that you want to power at one time.

Power Needs of Home

Another important factor is to determine what appliances and electronics will be powered by your generator. For example, most generators produce enough wattage for small home essentials like lights, refrigerators, TVs, radios, and a few lights. However, if you need more power than most generators can supply all at once- like hot water or heat pumps- then you might need a mega-sized generator. Check out premier generator for your generator needs.

The usual power needs of a home, according to the US Department of Energy, are rough:

  • Heating and Cooling Systems- 7,000 watts
  • Major Appliances Like Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer, Major Lights- 2,500 watts
  • Small Appliances – 1,000 watts

Other Electronics Most People Have Like TV Set- 300 watts per hour used. This means if you watch TV for 3 hours in one day on your television set you would need a generator that produces at least 900 watts. Be careful when watching movies though because many new TVs run on 100 or more watts even in sleep mode! You will need a generator that is larger than the total wattage of the items that you want to power at one time.

Start-up Costs

The amount of money that it costs to purchase a generator is another factor to consider. Before you decide on a particular type of generator, make sure that your budget will accommodate the initial purchase price as well as the running costs (cost to operate) of each type of generator.

There are many different types of generators on the market, each with its unique features and varying price tags. The type of fuel, how portable it needs to be, the size, and durability are factors in determining the cost of a generator.

Choosing A Generator For Your Home

Choosing A Generator For Your Home

Diesel generators are by far the most expensive type of generator, but they also have a longer lifespan than natural gas or propane generators. The initial cost associated with purchasing and installing a diesel generator is around $5000 whereas the same setup for propane would cost nearly half that amount. Most homes can run off of either natural gas or propane generators; however, homeowners must be aware that the operating prices between these two types of generators are very different from one another. Natural gas operates about twice as cheaply as does propane.

The cost to purchase and install a small generator that is powered by natural gas is usually around $800, whereas the price for a comparable propane-powered generator falls in the range of $400 – $600.

Be sure to factor in the costs of fuel when choosing between types of generators. Many generators, like those powered by natural gas or propane, have the option to convert to different types of fuel down the road if necessary.

Maintenance and Repairs

In addition to start-up costs, it’s important to consider ongoing maintenance and repair costs when choosing a generator for your home. All generators require some type of preventive maintenance, but the frequency and expense of this maintenance vary depending on the type of generator you choose.

Diesel generators require the least amount of maintenance– a quarterly checkup to maintain proper oil levels and filter cleanliness is all that’s needed. Natural gas requires just as little maintenance as diesel- with the only regular upkeep being added stove oil for those models that have an attached appliance such as a stove or water heater. Propane generators, on the other hand, do require a bit more maintenance than natural gas and diesel generators.

An annual check-up will prevent buildup in your generator and keep it running at optimal levels. You’ll also need to be sure that you inspect your appliances regularly for any signs of corrosion or weather damage. If there is any kind of damage, it is important to repair the appliances before using them on a generator.

Choosing the right generator for your home is a decision that will have many factors to consider, so it’s essential to research before making any purchases. They can be an investment lasting years!

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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