House Appliances to Buy if You Want to Save Energy in the Long Run

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: September 5, 2022

Considering energy efficiency is important if you’re in the market for new appliances. Not only will these appliances save you money on your energy bill in the long run, but they’ll also help reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some of the best appliances to buy if you want to save energy.


HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. If your HVAC system is outdated, it could cost you a lot of energy costs. Upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model can save you up to 30% on your energy bill. HVAC is important because it regulates your home’s temperature and helps remove any pollutants or allergens from the air. You can research more info about energy-efficient HVAC systems and find the best one for your home by using governmental resources like Energy Star. There are different types of HVAC systems, so make sure you get the right one for your needs.

Water Heater

Your water heater is another appliance that uses a lot of energy. Upgrading to an energy-efficient model can save you up to $600 a year on your energy bill. If you have a tankless water heater, you’ll use even less energy because it only heats the water when you need it. There are also solar water heaters, which use the sun’s energy to heat your water. This is a more expensive option up front, but it will save you money in the long run and help reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, you can install low-flow showerheads and faucets to save even more water and energy.

Kitchen Appliances

You should consider a few key kitchen appliances when trying to save energy. If you’re in the market for a new refrigerator, make sure you get one that’s Energy Star certified. You can also save energy by using a crockpot or slow cooker instead of your oven. Slow cookers use less energy because they cook food over a longer period at a lower temperature. If you need to use your oven, make sure you’re using it efficiently. For example, when baking, use the proper size pan for the food you’re cooking, and don’t open the door frequently to check on your food. Heat escapes whenever you open the door, and it takes longer to cook your food.

  • Refrigerator: This is the most important appliance in your kitchen when it comes to saving energy. If you’re in the market for a new fridge, make sure you get one that’s Energy Star certified. Certification means that the fridge has been tested and proven to use less energy than other models on the market. It’s also important to choose the right size fridge for your needs. If you have a large family, you’ll need a bigger fridge than someone who lives alone.
  • Crockpot or Slow Cooker: Using a crockpot or slow cooker is a great way to save energy in the kitchen. These appliances cook food over a longer period at a lower temperature, so they use less energy overall. If you need to use your oven, make sure you’re using it efficiently. For example, when baking, use the proper size pan for the food you’re cooking, and don’t open the door frequently to check on your food. Heat escapes whenever you open the door, and it takes longer to cook your food.
  • Oven and Stove: If you need to use your oven, make sure you’re using it efficiently. For example, when baking, use the proper size pan for the food you’re cooking, and don’t open the door frequently to check on your food. Heat escapes whenever you open the door, and it takes longer to cook your food. Additionally, if you have a stovetop with multiple burners, use the burner that best fits the size of your pot or pan. This will help prevent heat loss and save energy.

Saving Energy On Lighting

Saving Energy On Lighting

Did you know that lighting accounts for about 15% of your home’s energy use? That means there’s a lot of potential to save energy (and money) by making simple changes to how you light your home. One easy way to save energy is to take advantage of natural sunlight. During the day, open your curtains or blinds and let the sunshine in. This will help reduce the need for artificial lighting. You can also use task lighting, a type of lighting focused on a specific area to help you see better. For example, if you’re working at a desk, you might use a lamp with a bright bulb to illuminate your work area. This way, you don’t have to light up the entire room, which will save energy. Finally, you can use energy-efficient light bulbs, like LED bulbs, which use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Appliances You Don’t Need If You Want To Save Energy

While some appliances can help you save energy, there are also some that you can do without if you’re trying to be more energy-efficient. For example, if you have an extra refrigerator or freezer that you don’t use often, consider unplugging it. These appliances use a lot of energy, even when they’re not in use. If you have an old TV that you don’t watch often, consider getting rid of it or donating it to someone who will use it. Old TVs are not as energy-efficient as newer models, so they’ll end up costing you more money in the long run. Finally, if you have any appliances that are outdated or no longer working properly, get rid of them. They could be costing you more money than you realize.

When it comes to saving energy, every little bit counts. You can save money and energy in the long run by making some simple changes to how you use appliances in your home. Make sure to choose energy-efficient appliances, use natural sunlight whenever possible, and unplug any appliances that you’re not using. These simple steps can help you save energy and lower your utility bills.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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