How To Pick The Right Furnace Filter?

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: February 14, 2022

Filters are an integral part of your furnace. Not only does it safeguard your furnace, but it also protects you by ensuring you’re living in a favorable environment. You’re required to change your furnace filters every so often, preferably every three months.

With the many filters available, it might be challenging to know the one right for your furnace. However, you shouldn’t worry, this article will give you tips on picking the right filter for your furnace.

Tips on How to Pick The Right Furnace Filter

Check The Sizing

Furnace filters come in a variety of sizing. This is because HVAC units have different sizes, and a filter that works for one type of unit might not work for another.

Furnace Filter

The sizing of your filter greatly determines its efficiency. If the size you pick is too small, it won’t properly fit the enclosure. This means dirt and debris will find their way into your furnace, making it run inefficiently.

On the other hand, a filter too large will be too big for the enclosure. With this, you’ll be unable to close its door, rendering it useless. If you manage to close the door, there’ll be inefficient airflow since the filter will overlap severally.

The only solution to preventing all of the above is picking the right size of filter for your furnace. How do you know the right size? It could be indicated on your furnace, or in its manual.

If you still can’t find the measurement, consider measuring the size of your old filter using a tape measure and write it down. Alternatively, carry your old filter with you to the provider. It might be an inconvenience, but at least you’ll get the right size for your filter.

Check The Material

Manufacturers make filters using different materials.

You’ll find furnace filters made of fiberglass, cotton, and polyester, among others, supplied either as a foam pad or a filter media roll. Your choice is based on preference.

You should be keen on inquiring about the material of your furnace filter because some of its components can be hazardous. This is especially crucial if you have respiratory conditions or allergens. A furnace filter made of fiberglass may worsen your condition, which isn’t desirable.

Look At The Thickness

The thickness of a material tells a lot about its quality. The same applies to a furnace filter.

When your furnace filter is made of a light material, there’s a possibility of it filtering less debris than its thick counterpart.

Did you know that furnace filters have thickness ratings? Well, the rating ranges from 1 to 5. The higher the rating, the thicker the filter’s material, and the more efficiently it will serve your needs. Also, the thicker it is, the longer it’ll last since it will have more resistance to wear and tear.

Consider The Type

Furnace filters type

Furnace filters differ from one another in various ways.

One of the things to consider is its purpose. Are you purchasing it for your home, or is it for commercial use? A filter meant for residential use won’t serve a commercial building efficiently and vice versa. Therefore, inform your vendor where you’ll use it before making the payment.

Filters also differ in terms of usage. This includes recyclability. Some are disposable, while some can be washed and used a couple more times. The choice here depends on your preference.

Do you have the time to wash your filters as required? If you don’t have time or you think you might end up forgetting to do it, go for the disposable.

On the other hand, select a washable filter if you don’t mind the maintenance required. You will need to clean it properly to prevent it from harboring bacteria that might end up in your home.

You also need to consider the functionality of your desired filter. Furnace filters use different mechanisms to trap dust on their surfaces. Some have no special mechanisms and will only trap dust near them, while others, such as an electrostatic filter, will capture dust around your home, making them more efficient. Your preference based on functionality depends on the amount of money you’re willing to spend on your furnace filter.

Another factor to consider is the design of your furnace filter. Furnace filters can either be pleated or non-pleated. The difference determines the level of efficiency. Pleated filters have a larger surface to trap dust, unlike their counterpart with no pleats.

Check The MERV Rating

MERV Rating

An air filter’s efficiency is determined by its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV.) This rating will tell you how much your filter will purify the air in your home, including the number of particles it will trap on its surface.

The MERV rating runs from 1 to 16. The higher the rating a furnace filter has, the more efficient it will run.

However, as you consider the rating of your furnace filter, there are other aspects to factor in. Some furnaces will indicate their required filter’s MERV rating. This means that buying a filter that differs from its required rate won’t work efficiently with your unit.

Also, ratings for residential and commercial uses differ from each other. Furnace ratings above 12 are ideal for commercial purposes, while those below 12 are suitable for residential homes.

Therefore, as you pick your furnace filter, you need to consider the above factors.

Consider Your Household Needs

Furnace filters

The type of furnace filter you choose should also depend on your household situation. This is regarding the air quality you need in your home.

Not all households are the same. Some might have a bigger family, others might have pets, others may have respiratory conditions, and some might be smokers.

Whichever circumstances you have in your household, you need to acquire a highly efficient furnace filter. An efficient air filter will ensure your space will always have an adequate, clean air supply.


As seen, there are various factors you need to consider as you pick the right furnace filter. Some are major, with others are minor. The main aspect to base your choice on is your household needs.

Once you’ve identified this, the rest of the selection process will be seamless. However, as you purchase your furnace filter, you also need to acquire it from a trusted vendor who’ll sell you a quality product.

Lastly, in replacing your filter, you need to place it correctly for it to run efficiently with your unit. If you can’t seem to get it right, seek professional help.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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