How To Successfully Move Into Your New Home or Apartment?

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: November 3, 2021

Move Into Your New Home or Apartment  can be an exciting time, and there are many tasks you need to complete to ensure it goes smoothly. Once you know for sure you will be moving from your apartment, the first thing you should start to do is declutter your space.

A move is a great time to clean out your belongings thoroughly and purge any items you have been holding onto for too long.

Sorting and packing before a big move might seem overwhelming, but it’s important to only transport the essentials. Not to mention, moving and packing fewer items will make your move cheaper overall.

It’s also important to make sure your current possessions will fit in your new home. You can consider oversized items based on the layout of your house, and try to imagine how the smaller items will fit into your new spaces, especially the kitchen, and closets. Consider what is essential and measure carefully.

Here is a general timeline of tasks you should complete to make your next move as safe and efficient as possible.

Three Months Before You Move


In a folder or on your computer, create a moving file. Gather all your notes and papers in one place, such as:

  • Moving company quotes:

    If you know precisely where you are moving, you will be able to get an accurate estimate from a moving company or choose the right-sized truck to hire if you are moving.

  • Obtain at least three quotes from different moving companies, if you plan to use one. Decide which company you will use early on and book them. Alternatively, get three quotes for renting a moving truck if you’re moving. A man with a van service is another affordable option:
  • Research on your new area:

    Are your kids required to attend a different school? Can you find childcare or a new play center in your area? Will you be able to get to work? What other amenities, such as medical or dental will you need to get yourself organized?

Two Months Before You Move


This is the time to start purging and sorting. Go through your home room by room and get rid of anything you don’t need. Don’t forget these important tips as well:

  • Eat the frozen food and those tins tucked away in the back of your cupboard.
  • Check your home insurance policy to determine whether your contents are covered during your move and whether your coverage on your new home begins on the day of your move.
  • If you need a hotel for a night while moving long-distance, book it early. Also, ensure secure parking if you will be carrying items in your vehicle.

One Month Before You Move

Moving Materials and Boxes

Now the packing stage begins. Purchase moving materials and boxes or begin collecting them from neighbors and friends. Prepare a packing station in your home where you can store essentials such as boxes, tape, pens, and wrapping paper.

If you are renting an apartment near Reno, let your landlord know in writing that you will be moving. You may need to give more notice if you are on a fixed-term lease.

You should also notify your bank, water company, telephone and broadband providers, as well as any other utilities of your new address.

Make a list of all the address changes you will need to make. You can begin calling and making the changes now if you are not expecting any mail from them soon.

Finally, if you are moving long-distance, be sure to service your car now to make sure no problems need addressing before your big road trip.

Two Weeks Before You Move

Your removal company should be in touch to confirm the time of arrival and the details of your move. If you have not heard from them, contact them to make sure all of the arrangements are in place.

Prepare a suitcase of essentials for every family member with sheets, towels, healthy snacks, water, and favorite toys. Having these items on hand ensures you are not digging through your packed boxes looking for things during the stressful days of the move.

Prepare an “essentials box” for moving day. Think about what you will need for your first night in your new house, and include everything you might need. Don’t forget to pack clean sheets and towels for each family member.

This is also the time to arrange for someone to watch your children and pets on moving day, as well as any cleaning services you plan to hire for the day of the move.

One Week Before You Move

Do Laundry

If you still have laundry to do, do it now and get it packed away. You do not want to bring dirty laundry with you into your new space! If you have flat-pack furniture, you can start disassembling it now, to ensure it is ready to go on moving day.

Check with your new landlord or real estate agent to find out how and when you will get the keys to your new home. Find out if you will need to have any locks changed, and book the service if required. Don’t forget to hand over your old house keys, as well as any mailbox keys, if required.

This is when you can start packing everything that has not been boxed up yet. Keep some toiletries in the bathroom and don’t pack essential kitchen items (such as the kettle or your coffee pot.

Ensure movers know where to park and address any access issues there may be at either your new or old home. Finally, confirm arrangements for childcare and pets.

The Day Before

The day before your move can be overwhelming and it is easy to forget important details. Here are some things you don’t want to forget:

  • Your fridge and freezer should be defrosted and dried out
  • Protect valuables and documents by packing them safely. Carry them with you at all times.
  • Organize your moving files and your contact information somewhere safe, such as with your real estate agent, property manager, or landlord.
  • If you have a mobile phone or other electronics, you should charge them.
  • Fill your car with gas

Moving Day

The big day is finally here! Try and have a good breakfast and make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Before the movers arrive, make sure pets are secured.

Provide your children with their favorite toys and a few treats, if you don’t have childcare. Give them jobs to do throughout the day so they feel involved and helpful.

When the moving team arrives, try and stay out of their way. Ensure you communicate any special requirements you have, and show them where your items are. Point out any items that are not to be moved, or require special handling.

Here are a few more tasks you don’t want to forget:

  • Prepare the house for the final clean, or have it done by a professional
  • Take a final reading of the meter
  • Verify the property one last time, inside and out, to ensure everything has been removed
  • Lock all windows and doors, and leave any information that will be helpful to the new occupant, such as the location of the meter and fuse box.
  • To forward your mail, leave your new address with the new occupants.

At Your New Home

Once the move is complete, there is still work to do to get everything in order and make your new home as comfortable as possible.

On a moving day, make sure you are at the property before the moving team to do a walk-through with the landlord or your real estate agent. Make sure all latches, windows, and locks are working before you enter the property. If you are renting, make sure the landlord notes any problems.

Move Into Your New Home or Apartment

Check all of the light fixtures and taps to make sure the utilities are functioning, including electricity, water, and gas. Once you arrive, read your meter.

When the moving company arrives, explain where you want boxes to go and explain how you organized your items. Provide a floor plan of where the furniture will go and any corresponding color coding. Make sure there are no remaining items inside the truck after your movers have finished.

Prepare the kitchen for use in the morning by unpacking your essentials box. This includes bedding, towels, and any items you need to prepare your first few meals.

However, don’t try to unpack all the items today. Take your time and set up your new home so you start out organized and with everything you need in the right place.

Congratulations, you have successfully navigated your move into your new home!

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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