Plant Watering Tips That You Need To Know To Maintain Your Garden

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: January 3, 2022

People often overlook the basics of watering, which can lead to devastating effects on your plants. The most important thing you need to know is that not all plants have the same watering needs so it’s important to research what type of plant you have before beginning any watering techniques. There are a variety of different ways to water your plants, but these are some of the most commonly used methods.

Plant Watering Tips

  1. Using A Hose

This is another effective way of watering plants because it covers a large surface area at one time compared to other types of watering methods. Be careful not to overwater your plants, though.

It’s also important to remember that you might need to do this in the evening when the sun isn’t out so that it doesn’t burn your leaves or flowers! You can even consider buying the best garden hose reel to make the whole process a lot easier. A soaker hose is also an excellent way to water your plants because it keeps water close to where it is needed – in your plant’s soil.

Make sure the hose is actually on the soil by moving it around until you see wet spots begin forming. You can set a watch or timer if you are forgetful like me! Just make sure to turn off the hose once it’s done dripping so you don’t waste any water.

  1. The Watering Can

Watering Can

This is the most common way to water your plants. The can need to be filled with water and then poured gently onto the soil of the plant until it starts coming out of the bottom drainage holes. You don’t want it to pool around the plant, but instead, slowly seep into the soil. Be careful not to overwater your plants!

  1. The Dripping Tap

Watering Using Dripping Tap

If you have a dripping tap, then this is an easy way to water your plants. If it’s sunny, make sure that the sun is not directly on your plant which might burn the leaves. It takes about 10 minutes for each drip to fully sink into your plant’s soil.

You can set a watch or timer if you are forgetful like me! Just make sure to turn off the tap once it’s done dripping so you don’t waste any water.

  1. Sprinklers


Sprinklers are a great way to water your plants if you have a bigger garden. They can water a large surface area quickly and effectively, but be careful that they don’t over-water because it might lead to root rot! You can set sprinklers for around 30 minutes every 2 or 3 days depending on the size of your garden. Also, make sure that you cover your plants with a canopy to prevent sunburn, especially if the sprinkler is on for a long period!

  1. Watering With Natural Rainfall

Watering Plant With Natural Rainfall

This one is pretty self-explanatory – just wait for it! The best way to water your plants is through natural rainfall if you live in an area where there’s a lot of rain.

If not, then you can use one of the other methods mentioned above. Wait for about two weeks after the last rainfall and then begin watering. You can usually tell when your plants are due for a watering session through their leaves. If the ends of the leaves look curvy, then it means that they’re dried out and in need of some moisture!

  1. Watering In The Morning

This is the perfect time to water because the sun isn’t out and it’s a great way to save any excess water that might be evaporated throughout the night before you need to water again! Make sure that you do not water during this time if it has been raining recently because your plant will end up going over its daily allowance for too much moisture.

If there is too much heat from the sun because of a lack of shade, consider moving your plants into the shade instead so it doesn’t burn them! If you keep them in the shade, make sure to water them more frequently (about 20 minutes every day), and be careful not to overwater them either.

  1. Watering During The Night

This is an interesting technique because it allows the water to be absorbed by your plants when they need it. You can leave a hose or sprinkler running at night time and then turn it off once you wake up.

This makes sure that the plant doesn’t dry out too much during the day and does not end up getting burned! You can also cover your plants with a canopy or some type of shelter if you’re worried about over-watering them during this time. Just make sure to check on them early in the morning before it gets too hot and begins watering accordingly.

  1. Using Watering Balls

This is a great way to water your plants because it only delivers the amount of water that your plant needs. It’s great in hot weather when you don’t want to have them exposed to direct sunlight, but be careful about over-watering in this case! If you do see any wet spots, make sure to dry them out completely before watering again, or else it might lead to root rot.

You can also scatter these throughout your garden for more evenly distributed soil moisture. Also, consider using them if you are planning on going on vacation – they will come through for you! Watering cubes are similar to watering balls because they also deliver an amount of water directly into the soil.

The difference is that these are reusable and you can change the number of holes inside to vary how much water your plant gets. It’s a simple way of controlling the amount of moisture that your plant receives and it’s inexpensive as well!

These are six great ways to water your garden that you should continue doing throughout the summer. As always, make sure you research your specific type of plant before beginning any method because not all plants have the same needs.

Remember – if it’s warm outside, don’t leave your hose or tap dripping without realizing it because it might lead to wasting water! Also, remember to check under the leaves now and again to see how dry they are looking so that you know when to begin watering again.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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