8 Things You Should Have in Mind Before Getting a Home Lift

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: December 16, 2021

The elderly parents at home, children with disabilities, and pregnant women are the main target groups of home lifts. Home lifts provide a sense of independence for those who have difficulty ascending and descending stairs. They also offer access to all levels of the home for those who use wheelchairs, walkers, or canes. Home lifts are residential elevators, platform lifts, dumbwaiters, or home elevators.

Insurance companies generally do not cover home lifts because they are considered luxury items. The cost of a home lift varies depending on the type and model you choose. There are three main types of home lift systems: straight rail (monorail), open track (telescopic), and incline (inclined elevator).

Things To Consider Before Getting a Home Lift

A home lift is a perfect way to make your life easier and more comfortable. Why should you have stairs when you can easily have a lift installed? You can visit https://www.stiltzlifts.co.za/ to see which one suits your needs. Although home lifts provide independence for those who cannot use stairs easily, there are several things to consider before purchasing one:

  1. Cost of Installation

Although home lifts are known to be expensive, you should not worry. You can get a government grant that covers the cost of installation for your parents or children with disabilities. The price range can vary depending on the type of lift selected and what kind of house you live in. For example, if your house is made out of concrete or has long hallways, this might considerably increase the cost of the installation process. If your home doesn’t have an existing power supply, you might also need to factor in the price of having one installed.

  1. Availability of Power Supply

Home lifts require a source of electricity to operate. The room where you want to put the lift should be within 6 meters of an electrical outlet for the wire to reach. This is another thing that considerably increases the cost because installing an electrical outlet can be costly. If your home does not have wiring close by, you might need to install one if you do not wish to incur additional costs on getting it done after putting in your lift.

  1. Type of Home Lift

Before purchasing a home lift, you should decide which type of lift is right for you and your family. There are three main types of home lifts available depending on what kind of house you live in or how many floors your home has. They include straight rail (monorail), open track (telescopic), and incline (inclined elevator). Each type has its benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before making your purchase.

  1. Ongoing Maintenance Costs

It is essential to know that home lifts require regular checking and maintenance, especially if you live in a humid environment. The possibility of the lift getting rusty also increases if it’s too moist. Periodic inspections will ensure your safety while using your lift, so do not forget this step. It would help if you kept in mind that other than the cost of having an electrician or technician out to check on it, these services can be pretty expensive as well.

  1. Physical Condition

When you get a home lift, it is essential to know that you need to keep up with your physical condition. You should be able to use the stairs or switch between floor levels without assistance whenever possible. This will ensure that you remain independent for as long as possible. If there are areas where you can’t get on and off without assistance, this might not be the best option for you. However, we would like to give you at least a heads-up. Home lifts are not meant for everyone. If you or a loved one is suffering from a physical condition that would prevent them from safely using the lift, then it might be best to reconsider.

  1. Noise Level

The noise level also depends on the type of home lift you choose. Some are quieter than others, so it’s best to ask your dealer about this before purchasing one. Although most modern home lifts are relatively quiet, some models emit more noise than others. If you’re someone who is easily disturbed by sound or does not want the whole house to know when someone is using the lift, you might want to reconsider your purchase. Since home lifts are a permanent installation in your home, it’s best to get one comfortable with them.

  1. Ease of Use

Another essential consideration before purchasing a lift is how easy it will be to use. While some lifts require motorized assistance, others can be operated manually. If you’re planning on using your lift alone, we recommend that you purchase one that has a remote and manual override (if there’s no one around to help). However, if you live with family members or friends who can help push the button for you when needed, it would also be best to get one that does not require motorized assistance. This way, they don’t have to push the button for you while getting in or out of the home lift.

  1. Aesthetics

Last but not least, you should look at how your lift will fit in with the dĂ©cor of your home. Are you planning on putting it in a place where it can be seen? Is there a possibility that something may go wrong and make the lift less aesthetically pleasing to look at? If aesthetics are important to you in choosing a home lift, we suggest looking for something that blends in well with your surroundings and has fewer visible parts. This way, even if something does go wrong, it won’t be as noticeable.

Home lifts are a great way to make your life easier. As long as you have the budget, using it is very beneficial. They can help you live with independence or give you more time to spend doing the things you love, instead of having to depend on others all the time. While home lifts offer many benefits, there are some things you should keep in mind before deciding to purchase one. By considering these points mentioned above, you can be sure to make an informed decision that will best suit your needs.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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