11 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Backup Generator

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: December 9, 2021

While you cannot prevent natural disasters such as storms that result in power outages, you can take precautionary measures to ensure that your business keeps running at all times. This includes investing in a backup generator.

A backup generator is an invaluable asset that can help sustain your business to avoid losing data, communication, and customers. Here are 11 reasons why your business needs a backup generator.

Maintain customer contact

Maintaining customer contact is crucial to every business organization. It helps build trust and improve the customer experience. However, communication may be lost during a power outage, making your customers panic, especially if they have pending orders. With a backup generator, you can still access the internet, make phone calls, and send emails and messages. While other businesses close down during an emergency, you continue operations as usual while maintaining customer contact.

Protect electronic data

Today, most organizations store data on computer hard drives. This means that in case of a power outage, you could lose crucial company details and information. Loss of sensitive data results in additional work, time, and money, not to mention slowing down operations. You should invest in a backup generator to ensure that all data, whether it is crucial customer information or company files, remains secure at all times.

It saves you money

It is no secret that the cost of purchasing and installing a backup generator is high, which is why many organizations postpone the idea. However, a backup generator is an invaluable investment. In the face of a power outage, your employees keep working, and you maintain contact with your customers, saving you from losing money and profits. Often, the cost of installing and purchasing an emergency generator is way cheaper than the money you would lose if your operations were paralyzed by a blackout.

Consider getting a Honda generator for your business. One of the most common questions that come to mind when Honda generators are mentioned is why are Honda generators so expensive? Honda makes some of the best generators around that can serve well for many years without major issues.

Lighting and security

Your business is more vulnerable to looters during a power outage. For this reason, you should consider investing in a backup generator. Standby generators have a transfer switch, which means that in case your company experiences a blackout, the unit senses the loss and prompts the generator to kick in. This ensures that the security and lighting systems are always running, keeping your staff, data, and business safe.

Protect your business equipment

Protect your business equipment

Electronic devices, including computers, machines, and other crucial equipment, are vulnerable to sudden power surges. When these devices receive excessive power, they can overheat, break down, and sometimes catch fire, which leads to tremendous losses. A standby generator keeps power running without interruption, therefore preventing dangerous power surges.

Prevents unwanted downtime

Time is of the essence in every business organization. A power outage could halt the entire business, including the communication channels and equipment. This makes your business lose profitability and productivity in the duration of a power blackout. When there is a power outage, the automatic switch on the standby generator engages seamlessly, providing power to your entity. This means that you do not have to worry about your business stagnating during a blackout, and your company can remain operational until the electricity grid has been restored.

Keeps your sump pump operational

A sump pump is a piece of crucial equipment in most business entities as it drains groundwater away from the company building. However, it requires electricity to operate. A power outage halts its operations, and this could make your business vulnerable to water damage. You could incur tremendous losses, especially when the reason for the blackout is storms or flooding. Investing in a standby generator helps you provide power to your entity during power outages, so your sump pump remains operational at all times.


Crucial company systems such as the HVAC units depend on electricity to remain operational. HVAC units help to regulate internal company temperatures, providing workers with a comfortable working environment. However, a blackout limits the unit’s operations, resulting in extreme temperatures. Consider investing in a backup generator to sustain power to ensure that HVAC units remain operational. Employees are more productive when working in a comfortable environment.


Ensuring employee safety is a priority for every business owner. If you have employees who use electric-powered equipment, a power outage, even for a few minutes, could be fatal, which is why you should invest in a backup generator. Standby generators help you maintain a continuous energy supply to keep your workers safe.

A standby generator also keeps the air conditioner units running, improving the quality of air inside the business building. This protects your employees from headaches, dizziness, eye, nose, and throat irritation, respiratory and heart diseases, and even cancer that arise from poor indoor air quality.

Peace of mind

A power outage results in increased downtime, loss of customer contact, damage to your business equipment, and security and safety threats. To avoid constantly worrying about blackouts, you should purchase a backup generator for your entity. Installing a standby generator gives you peace of mind as you will always have power whether there is a blackout or not.

Backup generators can be customized to suit your business needs

Businesses vary in size and operations. This means that they have different power supply needs and demands. Since backup generators come in different sizes and types, you can choose a suitable unit to meet your business needs.

To choose a suitable standby generator, you should consider your organization’s number of employees, computers, equipment, and buildings.


If you are unsure whether to invest in a backup generator, consider the data and equipment protection, lighting and security, and maintenance of customer contact that these systems bring. That said, ensure that you choose the right emergency generator for your company to get your money’s total value and enjoy these benefits.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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