4 Tips on How to Reduce Indoor Pollutants in Your Home

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: October 29, 2021


A lot of people are unaware that indoor pollutants can have just as negative an effect on the body as outdoor ones. The EPA estimates that indoor air quality (IAQ) affects about one-third of American households, and is a major cause for concern when it comes to public health. Here are 4 tips on how you can reduce the levels of toxic chemicals in your home.

Clean Your Home More Often

One of the main steps to reducing indoor pollutants is by cleaning your home more often. When you clean, you must use products without harmful chemicals or ingredients so they don’t add any additional toxins to the air in your house. And when possible, opt for natural alternatives like baking soda and vinegar instead of harsher cleaners with synthetic fragrances. If you have a dog or cat, they contribute to allergies and asthma. Pet dander is easily transferred from your pet’s fur onto carpets and furniture in the home.

Simply cleaning more often with a vacuum cleaner, helps improve air quality and reduce some of these allergens that can cause discomfort for family members who suffer from respiratory illnesses such as allergies and asthma. You should never pour cooking grease down the drain because it will harden into gunk inside pipes over time. Instead, let them cool completely before placing them in an empty coffee tin or jar outside (beware of pets/wild animals). After giving this ample time to solidify, simply scrape it off and discard it into the trash.

Use Humidifiers to Increase Moisture Levels

Another way to reduce pollutants in your home is by using humidifiers. By increasing the humidity levels, you are adding moisture into the air that can help with harmful elements such as dust mites and mold spores. Mold spore counts are up to ten times higher on dry winter days than on summer days when relative humidity is 50%. Plus this added moisture will keep nasal passages moist which helps prevent respiratory problems! With all of these benefits, it’s no wonder why a high-quality humidifier for your home could become a necessity during certain seasons or months of the year.

The benefit of owning a humidifier is that it provides you with this added benefit year-round, no matter what time of year it is! It will be especially helpful throughout changing seasons when humidity changes occur frequently. Disadvantages: None! This is a great, beneficial product that can help your home stay healthy all year round. It’s also good for people who may have allergies or asthma as this will keep indoor air clean with fewer irritants.

The best part about humidifiers is they come in many different shapes, sizes, and options so you are sure to find one that works well with your lifestyle and budget. You should be able to find at least one model from our list of top-rated products which we put together based on consumer feedback and ratings across multiple websites such as Amazon, Target & Walmart among others! With all of this in mind, it’s easy to see why a humidifier could be the perfect addition to your home.

Change Your Filters on Time

Change Your Filters on Time

Everyone knows that changing the filters of your heating and cooling systems is important for keeping them running efficiently. But did you know that dirty, clogged filters can also lead to increased indoor air pollution? Most people only think about their HVAC system’s filter when they flip on a light and see dust particles floating around — but it goes deeper than this. Dirty filters make your AC or furnace work harder – making it less efficient – which means more pollutants enter homes through ductwork. If you don’t change your filter regularly (every 30-60 days) then not only will you be increasing pollutant levels in your home. You will increase the burden of owning/operating an HVAC unit as well.

Use Natural Air Fresheners

We all want to be able to breathe clean air when we are in our homes. Air fresheners can help remove odors and add a nice scent, but many of them contain harmful chemicals that could cause health problems in the long run. The best way to reduce indoor pollutants is by using natural scents or essential oils. This will not only bring you comfort because your home smells so good, but these fragrances come from plants and flowers that have been used for centuries as medicine too!

Aromatherapy oils are another great option. Not only do they work to purify the air, but you can also use them for relaxation and meditation by lighting a candle with one of the oils in it. The best oils to purify the air are ones that have antibacterial properties, such as peppermint or eucalyptus. You can also use citrus oils to purify the air because they’re natural disinfectants. Citrus oils are also known to increase mood, which is why they’re so popular in office buildings.

How to Reduce Indoor Pollutants

Another natural way to purify your air at home is by using house plants! Houseplants not only look beautiful around the house but they can help you breathe better too. The best plants for filtering out pollutants are ones that have large leaves and roots because these will be able to absorb more toxins from the air than other types of smaller plants would. It’s especially important to use potted plants since most people don’t think about how much time we spend indoors where there isn’t a lot of fresh air circulating. So it’s good practice to put some indoor greenery into every room whenever possible! If that sounds like too big of an investment, try putting a couple in the bedroom and living room to help you sleep better, feel calmer when you’re trying to relax at home, and wake up feeling more refreshed.

The air in your home can be polluted by many different sources. There are two major types of pollutants, primary and secondary. Primary pollutants come from outside sources like factories or cars. Secondary pollution doesn’t just come from the environment but is created inside the house through processes such as cooking, cleaning chemicals, smoking, etc.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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