Eight Signs You’re Running Out Of Space In Your Home

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: October 25, 2021

Are you a homeowner who’s feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of stuff lying around your house? If your answer is yes, then don’t worry as you’re not alone. Millions of homeowners face the same dilemma. As you collect tons of items over time, your living space can begin to look cluttered pretty fast. Everything will start to pile up without you even realizing it until things get out of control.

Running Out Of Space In Your Home

Having too much stuff to deal with leads to a massive headache when the time comes to clean your house. Not to mention, a cramped house can add more stress to your already stressful life. With that in mind, let us look at a few signs that indicate you’re running out of space inside your home.

It feels crowded when you walk inside your house

Your home is your sanctuary. It should feel welcoming and cozy, not busy and overcrowded at all. However, if you’re unable to move around your home freely or without tripping over stuff, It’s time to stop hoarding and give your home a deep clean. This will help you get rid of unwanted items as soon as possible. Doing so will ensure that your home becomes inviting and comfortable to live in.

That said, one way to declutter your home is by renting storage space. Doing so will allow you to keep your items safe and sound. You can quickly browse storage units in your neighborhood by performing a local search on Google. Once you have a few options narrowed down, compare prices and amenities and make your pick. These units will come in handy if you have more unwanted personal belongings that take up unnecessary space inside your home.

You can’t figure out where to begin decluttering

If you don’t know where to start the decluttering process, your house contains more stuff than it actually should. This confusion is real and can quickly overwhelm you. That said, to ensure you rid your home of unwanted items, break your home into portions and begin the decluttering process by picking one area at a time.

You don’t need to spend hours upon hours decluttering your living space. Instead, start from an area that requires less effort, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can clean in just a few minutes. However, try to remain consistent and clear your house of unwanted items one room at a time.

You have trouble finding stuff that you regularly use

You have trouble finding stuff that you regularly use

If you’re consistently searching for a particular item you often use, such as the TV remote, try looking under the pile of random useless things. After all, it isn’t easy to track or misplace personal items in a clean home. It’s a nightmare in a cluttered one, though.

Also, suppose you’re purchasing duplicates of items you cannot find between piles of stuff. In that case, you need to clean up your living space and start organizing things properly. That said, consider purchasing some storage baskets to store your everyday use items in a location you will never forget about.

You have unused new items

Most homeowners will purchase items they want to use. However, if you find random stuff around your home that is still in its packaging, your house will eventually run out of space. This usually tends to happen with clothes. Analyze your wardrobe as well. If you find a few clothing items that still have their tags on, it is also a sign that you’re running out of space. So, consider doing a purge of unused items to free up some space inside your home. Donate them, sell, them, or throw them away if you like. But, don’t let them take up unnecessary space you could use for something else.

You have no idea what’s inside your storage boxes

Placing unwanted items inside storage boxes and tucking them away under your bed or inside multipurpose furniture is an excellent method to keep clutter out of sight. That is all fine and good. However, if you don’t know what’s inside these storage boxes or where you’ve stored them, you’ll run out of valuable storage space. This is likely to be the case if you moved homes a few years ago and haven’t reopened all your boxes after the relocation. We suggest going through them now and filtering things out.

Your home’s surfaces have random stuff on top

Every homeowner knows that in order to have a neat and clean living space, countertops and tables should be clean, not full of random items. So, if your house doesn’t even have useable counter space to prepare a hot meal, it is now time to get rid of stuff and clean your flat surfaces.

Your clothes are overflowing out of your closet

Your clothing items are meant to be kept inside drawers and closets, not overflowing out of them. If you cannot fit new clothes inside your wardrobe, there is a high chance you’re running out of closet space. So, consider filling up some bags with your unwanted clothes and donating them to your local community shelter.

You have to clean up whenever guests are coming over

If you’re a homeowner who always has to scramble to hide your belongings whenever friends or family visit, your home requires a deep cleaning. People usually want their homes spick and span, so their guests are inspired. But if your home is dirty and cluttered, it will do the exact opposite. To avoid the latter of the two, consider cleaning your homes that your guests can at least sit on the couch comfortably.


Whether you realize it or not, having too many items and belongings inside your home impacts your life. It can make you feel frustrated, distracted, and overwhelmed. Moreover, it can also lead to stress, indecision, and anxiety. So, what can you do next? The answer is simple, get rid of unwanted stuff! This article mentions some tell-tale signs of an overly cluttered home. If you see one or more of these in your humble abode, it’s time you start cleaning up.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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