Telltale Signs That You Have Plumbing Problems

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: October 22, 2021

This guide will help discover and fix plumbing problems. Water is the main source of life on the planet. Subsequently, it is the most essential utility in every house.

Although many people are aware of its vitality in their lives, they still tend to ignore plumbing problems, which have a direct impact on water loss and waste. Plumbing problems are usually spotted as small ones at the beginning and gradually become immense over time. Some property owners disregard plumbing issues if everything else is working well and there are no immediate drawbacks.

However, taking care of problems the moment they occur saves a lot of money, hassle, and stress in the future. A little problem can be contained much easier in the beginning before it turns into a larger problem that causes more damage to other areas of your property. Read through our article for telltale signs that you have plumbing problems.

Signs That You Have Plumbing Problems

Changes in Water Pressure

Water Pressure

If you notice that the water pressure is reduced and isnā€™t functioning at normal levels, chances are that there might be clogs or pipe leaks due to damage. Water leaks are usually caused by damaged or faulty seals of fixtures and faucets.

This problem is very common because the rubbers of fixtures become worn out or dislodged over time. The water pressure runs through pipes in the same capacity whether fixtures are turned on or off, which is the main cause of water leakage if the seals are damaged. Early detection and repair of such a small problem can save you from damage to your property later on.

Watch the Floors and Walls

One of the significant telltale signs that youā€™re facing a plumbing problem is the changes that occur on the walls and floors of your home. Water leakage has several remarkable signs that can be easily spotted.

For instance, if you notice any dark patches on your floors you should contact a plumber, this is probably caused by water leakage which can lead to worse damage. Call for immediate inspection if you happen to find growing molds, a change in the paint color of your walls, or any signs of structural weaknesses, these are all signs of significant water leakage.

Plumbing Clogs That Happen More Often

Plumbing Clogs That Happen More Often

Toilets, sinks, and bathtub clogs might happen often, which indicates that thereā€™s a problem with one of your drains. If this problem occurs frequently, your best option is to call for professional help.

Plumbing specialists at recommend calling for emergency help if you canā€™t stop clogging in your pipes from happening over and over again.

A full drain cleaning is one of the best solutions offered by professional plumbers and will save you the extra cash it might cost if further damages take place.

Water Discoloration

Water discoloration is closely related to pipe conditions and water heaters; the watercolor tends to turn yellowish or brownish. The reason behind water discoloration might be corroded tanks or heaters, tanks should be regularly flushed and filled, and periodic maintenance is very important to prevent gunky water.

Worn Out Pipes

Old and worn-out water pipes are a major cause of water leakage. This mainly happens because the pipes used in the construction of old facilities are either made of lead or galvanized steel.

These types of materials that were used in the manufacture of water pipes are considered dangerous and insufficient compared to more modern options.

Loose Pipes

Leaking pipes

If you hear knocking sounds coming from your walls, this can be due to loose pipes or problems with water pressure. In order to avoid serious damage to your walls, contact your plumbing service provider to repair the deficient pipes before further problems occur.

Water Heaters

Water Heaters

Changes in water temperature and lack of hot water is a signs of faulty elements such as a broken or damaged tube, a problem with the thermostat, or a heaterā€™s rust.

All these will result in fluctuations in water temperature. If any of these issues occur you need to ask for immediate maintenance. Any irregular issues related to your water heaters can be very dangerous.

Drain Odor

A foul odor and the stinky smell of the drains are common problems, especially in the lower drain, which is mainly found in the basement. If you notice any unusual smell it means that the sewer line is either damaged or clogged. In this case, immediate repair or cleaning of the sewer line will help solve your problem and avoid any damages that can occur later.

Running Toilet

Many of us can ignore small plumbing problems if it doesnā€™t have a direct impact on the normal facilities of the house. However, the problem here is that a small problem can cause serious damage over time.

A leaking toilet is quite an irritating and expensive problem, fixing the flush every time you go in there is not an effective solution. This can be an easy fix if the chain is broken or just blocking the flap, but if the flap is damaged, you might need the help of a plumber to replace it with a new one. Make sure, however, that they replace it with a heavy-duty one.

Home repairs, especially plumbing problems, are very unpleasant matters to deal with. Some maintenance work can be easily done with the basic skills of homeowners.

The earlier the problem is detected, the more damage is avoided. Catching plumbing problems at an early stage saves you a lot of hassle and money. It is sometimes essential to go through expensive repairs and replacements of pipes, faucets, and other home apparatus to keep your property in good shape and condition.

Plumbing Problems

Common problems like clogged drains and worn-out faucet fixers are likely to happen after several years of usage. If your home is rather old, chances that it might need water pipes replacement and renewal of other plumbing elements are very much expected.

Most people tend to ignore plumbing problems since itā€™s known to be a relatively expensive service, however, itā€™s better to deal with maintenance issues as early as possible to save yourself bigger troubles.

Eroded pipes, running toilets, and dripping water from damaged faucets are likely to show up now and then, to prevent drawbacks, schedule regular inspection and maintenance visits to keep your facility safe.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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