Clean Your Pool the Right Way With These Tips

By: John Garcia | Date Posted: August 23, 2022

While it can be a joy owning a home, it also brings its own set of responsibilities. There are things you need to know about maintaining a large property; if you have a pool, you’ll need to look after it.

Pool water can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other contaminants, so using proper cleaning techniques is essential. Thanks to the tips provided in this article, you can do it the right way and avoid some common mistakes others make.

Clean It Regularly

This can preserve the health and well-being of all those who use your pool. It can also extend its life and keep it looking its best. The frequency of cleaning depends on how often you use it, but generally, you should do so at least once a week. If you have a lot of leaves or other debris falling into your pool, you may need to clean it more often.

Brushing is the most important method; you should brush the entire pool, paying special attention to the corners and steps. Vacuuming is also important, so perform this action at least weekly. Skimming is less important, but it can help remove debris such as leaves from the surface of the water.

Pool Cleaning

Use A Robot

If you really want to make your life easier, get a pool robot. Instead of spending hours cleaning it manually, you can simply let this device do its job. You plug it in, switch it on and drop it into the pool.

These robots circulate the water and filter out everything that shouldn’t be there. They remove grime from the floor and walls and scrub along the waterline.

You can learn more about these devices online and read specialist websites. If you’re considering cleaning the pool with a robot, you can access photos, product descriptions, prices, and accessories. You’ll find that they can adjust to all pool shapes, sizes, and surface types – whether it’s in-ground or above-ground.

Pool Robot

Use A Net And Let The Pool Dry Before Re-Use

A Pool net is a must-have tool for removing leaves, bugs, and other things. If you use one before you start the cleaning process, it’ll save you time and energy. For instance:

  • You’ll be able to remove debris before it has a chance to sink to the bottom (where it’s more difficult to reach).
  • You won’t have to clean the entire pool as often.
  • It’ll extend its life and prevent dirt and debris from building up on surfaces.

After cleaning it, it’s important to let the pool dry before using it again. Otherwise, you run the risk of spreading bacteria and other contaminants. Additionally, it gives you a chance to inspect the pool for any damage or cracks that may have occurred. Finally, letting the pool dry helps to prevent mineral build-up, which can be difficult to remove.

Use A Net And Let The Pool Dry Before Re-Use

Apply A Cleaning Product

There are a variety of products on the market, and each has its own purpose. Some common examples include:

  • Chlorine: This is one of the most popular cleaning agents because it’s effective at killing bacteria and preventing algae growth. However, it can be harsh on the skin and eyes, so use it carefully.
  • Bromine: Bromine is often used in hot tubs because it doesn’t evaporate as quickly as chlorine. It’s also less likely to irritate (but it can still be harmful if not used properly).
  • Products for shock treatment: These are used to kill bacteria and algae. They’re usually chlorine-based but can also be oxygen-based. They’re typically used when there’s a lot of debris in the pool or if the water’s cloudy.
  • pH Balancer: This is used to maintain the pH level of the water. The ideal level’s between 7.4 and 7.6, so use a product that’ll keep the water within that range.
  • Algaecide: Algae can cause your pool to become discolored and can be difficult to remove once it’s established, so using an algaecide can help prevent these problems.

There are many other pool cleaning products available. Always read the labels carefully and follow the directions before use.

Clean The Pool Filters

There are three different types of pool filters – sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth (DE). Sand filters are the most common type used in above-ground pools.

They work by trapping dirt and debris in the sand so that it can’t recirculate back into the water. Cartridge filters are easier to clean and maintain than sand filters. DE filters use fine powder to trap dirt and debris, making them very effective at keeping the water hygienic.

How often you need to clean your filter depends on how often you use your pool and what type of filter you have. The benefits of regular cleaning include:

  • reduced strain on the pool pump
  • cleaner and clearer water
  • longer-lasting filter media
  • improved circulation

Pool Filters

Winterize Your Pool

As the weather gets colder, you’ll need to take some special care of your pool to make sure it’s ready for next season. This process is called winterizing, and there are a few key steps you’ll need to take. First, you’ll need to lower the water level, which will help reduce the chance of freezing and cracking. Next, you’ll need to clean out all of the debris that may have accumulated over the summer.

Once your pool is clean, you’ll need to add some chemicals to help keep it sanitized over the winter months. Chlorine is a common choice, but you can also use bromine or other sanitizing agents.

Finally, you’ll need to cover your pool to protect it from the elements. A tarp or pool cover will do the trick, and you can even add a layer of insulation under the cover to help keep things even warmer.

These handy tips can help you look after your pool and get the very best out of it. Remaining clean will safeguard your health and enjoyment – making it a fun place for your family and friends for many years to come.

Thank you for reading!


John is the founder and chief editor of Homienjoy. With over 15 years of experience in the home improvement industry, John is passionate about helping homeowners confidently tackle their projects. Holding a civil engineering degree and working as a contractor, project manager, and consultant, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Homienjoy community.

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